Srini Pillay, MD

Srini Pillay, M.D., is a Harvard-trained practicing psychiatrist, a brain-imaging researcher, and a brain-based technology innovator. Currently a part-time assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, he is also an invited faculty member in the executive education programs at Harvard Business School and Duke Corporate Education. He is the founder and CEO of NeuroBusiness Group, an executive coaching, consulting, and technology business, which was named one of the top 20 leadership training Movers and Shakers in the world by Training Industry. He is the author of Tinker Dabble Doodle Try: Unlock the Power of the Unfocused Mind and Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear, which won a Books for a Better Life Award. Born in Durban, South Africa, he now lives in Newton, Massachusetts.

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